Happy Mother's Day!


Mak, kau seperti bidadari yang muncul dari syurga untuk mencurahkan kasih sayang mu kepada ku sejak dari lahir sehingga ke hari ini.

Terima kasih atas segala pengorbanan mu.

Mak, i love you so much!

Selamat Hari Ibu

H α p p y N u r s e s D α y ! ! !


I walk through those doors with pride, 
Who's life will i save tonight?
Someone is waiting for me,
Someone is alive today because of my duty.
Sometimes we cry cause we can't save them all, 
God sometimes won't let us interfere when he calls.
A baby's first breath when he looks at me,
The joy of my first delivery.
The tear i wipe a way with my own hands, 
The life ending of a gentle old man.
The night seems so dark and the morning so bright.
Being a nurse you see life in a different light.
Who will i save tonight?
Who will hold my hand during their last breath with no fright?
Who will enter this world on my shift?
How many mothers will greet their babies with a kiss? 
I don't know who these special people are but i will meet them with every call
I will hold them tight and help the pain
I will hold them up when they feel faint.
I will be strong when i am needed
That is my job, I am a NURSE..that is my duty.

Happy Nurses Day 2012 to all nurses around the world.

Mengambil Tahu


MENGAMBIL TAHU itu tandanya si dia mengambil berat tentang kamu.
Mengambil tahu itu bererti tanda kasih sayangnya terhadap diri kamu.
Dan mengambil tahu itu tanda dia pentingkan kamu.
Cuma, kadang-kadang mata terlepas pandang untuk melihat mana satu ingin tahu dan manakah satu mengambil tahu.
Cuma, kadang-kadang hati terlalu buta untuk menilai mana satu kasih dan mana satu nafsu.
Dan kadang-kadang kita mengabaikan perkara yang remeh sedangkan si dia begitu pentingkan diri kamu.
Oleh itu, hargailah si dia.
Kerana si dia begitu menyayangi kamu. ©©©©